The Top 10 Best Sober-Living Cities Do You Live in One?

Some people think the best piece of advice for newcomers to recovery is simply “don’t drink or use, and attend the meetings.” Certainly, employ that strategy if it is beneficial. The easier it is to stay clean, the more skills you acquire for recognizing triggers, coping with stress, and managing your new life without drugs or alcohol. So take a look at these few tips for staying sober and try to keep them in mind. San Francisco, like Los Angeles several hundred miles south, has one of the country’s most diverse recovery communities. San Francisco can feel welcoming to people who are recovering from substance use disorder because it has always been a welcoming oasis to those who are a little bit different from the norm. Sober travelers often feel much more confident when traveling in parts of Asia and Africa.

  • Our program is designed to meet the needs of those at any stage of the recovery process, from early sobriety to long-term recovery.
  • But for many recovering alcoholics and addicts, living in a community with other people going through similar challenges and working hard toward long-term sobriety is the key to survival.

Boston, Massachusetts

If you’ve been feeding your addiction for some time, you may be experiencing financial issues. Maintaining sobriety isn’t easy and comes with its own set of obstacles, such as money problems and trouble finding and keeping a job. Making a few minor adjustments in your spending habits might have a significant impact on your financial situation. Don’t overwork yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t fix it all as soon as you’d like.

More About Sober Living Homes

Apart from being one of the largest cities, it is also one of the most diverse ones. For that reason, there are many meetings that cater to different populations – from agnostics to LBGTQ+. So, if you want to share your experiences with people of similar backgrounds, New York might be a perfect home for you. What’s best about these gatherings is that they also have a social component. Attendants come earlier to mingle and talk, and after the meeting, they often go together to the movies or to eat.

Structured Sober Living in Los Angeles, California

best cities for sober living

Some examples of mood-related symptoms include short temper, nervousness, melancholy, trouble sleeping, and overall fatigue. A person’s post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) may manifest anywhere between six months and two years after they cease substance use. PAWS symptoms might get in the way of recovery if you aren’t careful. Identifying them is only half the battle; knowing when to get help is as important. If you don’t, you can end yourself in Palm Beach going through rehab for an addiction to pills.

best cities for sober living

best cities for sober living

In addition to that, LA offers plenty of sober-living facilities and rehabs, including the famous Promises Malibu. Additionally, it also has a rather unique ‘commitment exchange’ program. This program allows members to speak at other meetings and share their experiences. What’s more, the city is actively trying to support the recovery community through various measures and initiatives.

best cities for sober living

  • It means you are ready to change your life and start a new chapter.
  • This insurance covers the whole scope of care for mental health issues, from regular checks to inpatient hospitalizations.
  • It’s because a large percentage of the local people don’t drink alcohol.

Bright Futures Treatment Center offers you the opportunity to make a fresh start. Alysse Bryson is a strong woman in recovery, an innovative media maven, marketing guru, and gal about town. “I’m just a laid-back old school Seattlite…with sober superpowers. You can take the girl out of the party, but you can’t take the party out of the girl.”

Having a home environment that’s conducive to recovery is crucial. While returning to your old home is tempting, you need to consider what’s best for you. For that reason, relocation to a more recovery-friendly city can be a good idea. Some say it’s high numbers of weekly AA/NA meetings; others say it’s a low percentage of drug and alcohol abuse. While both are certainly valuable components of sober living, sustained sobriety can often hinge on a city’s available community resources. Like New York City, San Diego provides recovering alcoholics with an ever-expanding booze-free bar scene and hundreds of halfway houses.

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